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2023 Inductee Banquet

2023 Inductee Banquet

On behalf of the entire Burnaby Sports Hall of Fame Committee I welcome you to our 20th induction banquet.
Coming out of a three-year, Covid-driven hiatus it feels great to once again be able to gather together to recognize and celebrate those who have brought honour to Burnaby through their incredible achievements in the arenas of sport.
It is said sport has the unique ability to cut across differences in age, gender, ethnicity, politics and wealth to unify, inspire, entertain and amaze. Our Class of 2022 inductees and our scholarship recipients certainly are living proof of this.
This year, 2023, finds our organization undertaking significant and exciting changes, including:
• launching a new website;
• re-branding with a new logo and catchphrase (Honouring the Past, Inspiring the Future);
• turnover in our committee as we bid farewell and sincere thanks to several long-serving members and welcome some talented newcomers to our team;
• working with the City of Burnaby to plan our move to a sparkling new state-of-the-art facility (see images Page 2); and
• relocating our banquet to the spectacular Riverway Clubhouse.
Thanks for choosing to be here; your support is truly appreciated. Thanks to our committee members for their commitment and results. Without them there is no BSHOF. Lastly, thanks to the staff at Riverway and our event photographer and piper; you’ve helped make this a special night.
– BSHOF Chair David Boroevich

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